TIPS & TRICKS - Removing Foreign Objects
Removing Part of a Broken Basket (Foreign Object)
Stone entrapment in the endoscopic basket can happen especially with large stones. In this case, disengaging the basket can be difficult. Keep in mind that it is possible to place the laser fiber through the working channel of the scope in order to fragment the stone that is trapped. If the laser inadvertently breaks the basket at two separate points, part of the nitinol wire of the basket could get loose in the collecting system.
Tip 1: It is possible to remove the nitinol wire with a new basket.
Tip 2: In case this does not work, try using a front-opening basket. The irrigation should be as gentle as possible.
Tip 3: Finally a biopsy cup can also be used if nothing else solves the problem. In general an endourologist should be skilled in using different kinds of equipment according to the specific needs.